Issue while setting up Meshery UI

Tried using WSL2 and seems I made progress

This is what I am getting in the dashboard. Else getting 404 not found for other pages

And this the error in the teminal

`warn - Disabled SWC as replacement for Babel because of custom Babel configuration “babel.config.js” SWC disabled | Next.js
warn - ./app/store.js
Anonymous arrow functions cause Fast Refresh to not preserve local component state.
Please add a name to your function, for example:

export default () =>


const Named = () =>

export default Named;

A codemod is available to fix the most common cases: Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js

Ready on http://localhost:4001
warn - ./app/store.js
Anonymous arrow functions cause Fast Refresh to not preserve local component state.
Please add a name to your function, for example:

export default () =>


const Named = () =>

export default Named;

A codemod is available to fix the most common cases: Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
wait - compiling /…
warn - ./app/store.js
Anonymous arrow functions cause Fast Refresh to not preserve local component state.
Please add a name to your function, for example:

export default () =>


const Named = () =>

export default Named;

A codemod is available to fix the most common cases: Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
MUI: adaptV4Theme() is deprecated.
Follow the upgrade guide on Migrating to v5: getting started - Material UI.
Warning: Failed prop type: The prop pageContext is marked as required in WrappedComponent, but its value is undefined.
at WrappedComponent (webpack-internal:///./pages/_document.js:170:27)
at MyApp (webpack-internal:///./pages/_app.js:38:3)
at StyleRegistry (/home/deepayan/meshery/ui/node_modules/next/node_modules/styled-jsx/dist/stylesheet-registry.js:231:34)
at AppContainer (/home/deepayan/meshery/ui/node_modules/next/dist/server/render.js:325:29)
Warning: should not be used in _document.js’s . `<title>` should not be used in _document.js `<Head>` | Next.js
warn - ./app/store.js
Anonymous arrow functions cause Fast Refresh to not preserve local component state.
Please add a name to your function, for example:

export default () =>


const Named = () =>

export default Named;

A codemod is available to fix the most common cases: Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
wait - compiling /404…
warn - ./app/store.js
Anonymous arrow functions cause Fast Refresh to not preserve local component state.
Please add a name to your function, for example:

export default () =>


const Named = () =>

export default Named;

A codemod is available to fix the most common cases: Upgrading: Codemods | Next.js
MUI: adaptV4Theme() is deprecated.
Follow the upgrade guide on Migrating to v5: getting started - Material UI.
Warning: should not be used in _document.js’s . `<title>` should not be used in _document.js `<Head>` | Next.js
Warning: should not be used in _document.js’s . `<title>` should not be used in _document.js `<Head>` | Next.js
Warning: should not be used in _document.js’s .`

This is what I am getting for the server

This is the errors in terminal

cd cmd; go mod tidy; \ BUILD="v0.6.0-rc-2" \ PROVIDER_BASE_URLS="" \ PORT=9081 \ DEBUG=true \ ADAPTER_URLS=" meshery-nginx-sm:10010" \ go run main.go; INFO[0000] Registered Meshery local Capabilities INFO[0000] Meshery server current channel: Not Set INFO[0000] Using '/home/deepayan/.meshery/config' to store user data INFO[0000] Using '/home/deepayan/.kube' as the folder to look for kubeconfig file INFO[0000] Log level: debug INFO[0001] Starting Server listening on :9081 INFO[0085] retrieved user: {} ERRO[0085] Unable to load default kubernetes config: Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused INFO[0089] retrieved user: {} INFO[0089] retrieved user: {} ERRO[0089] Unable to load default kubernetes config: Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused ERRO[0089] Unable to load default kubernetes config: Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused INFO[0089] retrieved user: {} ERRO[0089] Unable to load default kubernetes config: Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused INFO[0090] retrieved user: {} INFO[0090] retrieved user: {} ERRO[0090] Unable to load default kubernetes config: Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Kubernetes config is not initialized with Meshery app=meshery code=2000 probable-cause="Kubernetes config is not accessible to meshery or not valid" severity=2 short-description="No valid kubernetes config found" suggested-remediation="Upload your kubernetes config via the settings dashboard. If uploaded, wait for a minute for it to get initialized" ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused app=meshery code=2050 probable-cause="Kubernetes might not be reachable from meshery" severity=2 short-description="unable to ping kubernetes.unable to scan" suggested-remediation="Make sure meshery has connectivity to kubernetes"

Hey, @Deepayan_Mukherjee please ensure that you have followed these steps for getting the UI on localhost:9081.

The issue with the localhost:4001 is that it is a new UI and it only has the dashboard so you would receive a 404 while accessing other pages.

The last issue ERRO[2021-12-12T02:05:34+05:30] Get "https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443/version?timeout=32s": dial tcp connect: connection refused is because you do not have a Kubernetes cluster running so to set up Kubernetes, if you are using docker desktop, then enable the Kubernetes from the settings or you can set up your Kubernetes cluster manually by following this doc. According to me, minikube would be a good option because I use it but all are good you can choose any of them.

Hey, @sayantan1413 I am getting an error in the ui > node_modules > ace-builds > demo > kitchen-sink > docs > golang.go after running the make build-ui command

Could this be the reason why I am getting 404 page not found in localhost:9081 ?
If yes any way to solve it?

Yes, if your make build-ui command runs into any error then you will find the 404 in the localhost:9081. Can you hover over the error and see what’s the error is about.

C++ source files not allowed when not using cgo or SWIG: c_cpp.cpp

This is the error

And this is what I am getting in the terminal after running make run-fast

Starting Server listening on :9081 INFO[0046] session not found DEBU[0063] token : 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 DEBU[0064] [Initialize]: Package found at /home/deepayan/.meshery/provider/Meshery/v0.6.0-rc-2 skipping download

Ugh! @navendu @Abhi @Nithish_karthik could you help in solving this error?

The issue seems to be in the main.go file in cmd folder

Oh that’s a lot of convo.

From what I see above,
You have managed to start the server.

  1. Start the server with make run-fast
  2. Go to broswer opening the localhost:9081

Your browser should have already loaded with the UI
If not,

  1. make setup-ui-libs
  2. make build-ui
  3. restart the server

From your last server logs it seems that you have already fully setup your meshery with your login credentials. That’s great.
You have to setup your kubernetes to work with meshery, just go to setting on the navbar and upload your kubeconfig file there. That’s it. It’s configured.

I am assuming that you are on the master branch of meshery.

No, Seems like your IDE problem. Install golang extensions from vscode to detect go files and restart vscode.

Would you like to share your go-version
You can do by running: go version

go1.17.5 linux/amd64 this my version

And even after restarting the server am getting 404 page not found :frowning:

If this is the desired output then I think it’s working fine
The error went away after I reinstalled golang and I had to run it manually as the makefile seems to be throwing an error

Thank you @Abhi for helping out and thanks to @sayantan1413 for putting so much time and effort to help me out :slight_smile:

@Deepayan_Mukherjee Aww yeah that’s great!! All set for developement🚀. Thanks, @Abhi for your help.

Hello! While setting up Meshery UI, am facing an issue even after using the make command as mingw32-make. Attached is the issue. Can someone please help me with this?

Hey @Fidal_Mathew! I am quite late to the discussion but hope you got this one particular issue resolved that you mentioned in this thread →

This is a very common issue while running Docker on WSL2 and I got it resolved just last week.
Docker used to take up almost 12GB of my 16GB RAM even when I would run just one MongoDB container.

This is due to WSL2 on an older Windows 10 build where Docker eats up a lot of virtual memory that it doesn’t require at the moment to run its containers. That’s why even after you stopped the Meshery server, virtual memory was still occupied.

To solve:

  1. Go to Windows search (Win Key) and type %UserProfile%.
  2. Open the folder and look for .wslconfig file.
  3. Make sure you have dotfiles visible on Windows Explorer. Open this file.
  4. Here you can define the maximum virtual memory WSL2 can eat up
    I have put 6GB because it’s almost 30% of my RAM. You can do the same and set it to less than 5GB.

Hope this helps!

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