I found there’s an internship available for application on Layer5.io – https://layer5.io/careers/internships. I’m curious whether this internship only includes working on repos in Layer5 Layer5 · GitHub, or will it also includes repos in Meshery Meshery · GitHub.
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Hi @Kunyue.Xing, in short, yes, Meshery is a project by Layer5 and contributing to any project under Layer5 and Meshery GitHub org will help you to increase the chances of your candidacy for internship.
I’ll also encourage you to check the F&Q section on the page https://layer5.io/careers/programs to learn more about how to increase your chances of getting an internship within Layer5.
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Hi @Yash.Sharma, thanks for your quick reply. I’m excited that I’ve submitted 2 PRs (merged!
) already and be on my way to contributing more. Looking forward to more chances. 
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