Welcome to 2022 Fam!

Hello folks,

Welcome to 2022!!!

Yes, I know this greeting is long overdue but I’m going to do it anyway because you deserve it and more. Y’all have been an amazing support to the Layer5 community and we do not take it for granted. We appreciate what everyone is doing and we are looking forward to seeing you do more this year. And as all the events of the year unfolds we want you to engage in the community.
Trust by now you already know that engaging does not involve coding only. So please ask those brilliant questions of yours, they are never ‘small’ or ‘lame’, Bring your input ideas they are needed, attend all weekly meetings we are always glad to see you. Cheers to making things happen this year.:champagne:

Happy new year once again with a lot of love from all of us at Layer5. :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: