Unable to start meshery after installing

Hey community help me out, I am unable to start meshery as you can see in the screenshot

@Lee it is saying that docker-compose.yaml isn’t present at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meshery/meshery/ve.s.108/install/docker/docker-compose.yaml. I tried to download the file by wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meshery/meshery/ve.s.108/install/docker/docker-compose.yaml in terminal and got 404.

I wonder if this is a typo. Will you confirm, @Zaki_Shaikh?

@Zaki_Shaikh when you run a mesheryctl system reset, a fresh copy of the docker-compose template should be retrieved.

@Lee yes you’re right it was typo I didn’t pay attention to that, I just confirm docker-compose.yaml file is downloaded. Thank you

@Saurabh_Singh Have you managed to resolve this issue, or are you still experiencing difficulties? I apologize if my mistake disrupted your process of installing Meshery.

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./mesheryctl system reset

Meshery config file will be reset to system defaults. Are you sure you want to continue [y/n]? y
Meshery resetting…

Current Context: local
Channel: stable
Version: latest
Platform: docker

Fetching default docker-compose file as per current-context: local…
Error: failed to download /home/narhari/.meshery/meshery.yaml file from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meshery/meshery/v0.6.110/install/docker/docker-compose.yaml
: Get “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meshery/meshery/v0.6.110/install/docker/docker-compose.yaml”: dial tcp [2405:200:1607:2820:41::36]:443: i/o timeout

No able to download the fresh docker-compose file

This is fixed.
My default DNS was not able to fetch the file. Changed to,


I Did perform the steps like mesheryctl system start --reset and for me, the situation still persists. I am still not able to start mesheryctl and here is the output. →

Meshery config file will be reset to system defaults. Are you sure you want to continue [y/n]? y
Meshery resetting…

Current Context: local
Channel: stable
Version: latest
Platform: docker

Fetching default docker-compose file as per current-context: local…
Error: failed to start Meshery
See mesheryctl-system | Meshery for usage details
: failed to download /home/saurabh/.meshery/meshery.yaml file from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meshery/meshery/v0.6.113/install/docker/docker-compose.yaml
See mesheryctl-system | Meshery for usage details
: Get “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/meshery/meshery/v0.6.113/install/docker/docker-compose.yaml”: dial tcp [2405:200:1607:2820:41::36]:443: i/o timeout.

Please can you suggest further steps of troubleshooting. Already checked my Internet Connectivity, Updated Meshery from v0.6.112 → v0.6.113 and I am following the steps of this documentation https://docs.meshery.io/installation/platforms/docker

I am Using OS- Ubuntu 22.04 and using minikube for local Kubernetes. Also I ran command mesheryctl system check --preflight & Output →

âś“ Docker is running
âś“ docker-compose is available

Kubernetes API 
âś“ can initialize Kubernetes client
!! cannot query the Kubernetes API

Kubernetes Version 
!! cannot check Kubernetes version
âś“ running the minimum kubectl version

âś“âś“ Meshery prerequisites met

@Saurabh_Singh is your cluster running? check by executing command minikube status.

W0729 16:45:10.468172   11227 main.go:291] Unable to resolve the current Docker CLI context "default": context "default" does not exist
type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured

Previously minikube was not started and made PLATFORM = docker which in case the wrong choice.
Now I performed these steps for the minikube as local Kubernetes
minikube start
curl -L https://meshery.io/install | PLATFORM=kubernetes bash -
and after that

sudo cp ~/.minikube/ca.crt /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
sudo update-ca-certificates

mesheryctl system start
and It worked.