Unable to setup meshery playground in github codespaces

unable to setup meshery in github codespaces using make.
iam using codespaces but im not able run meshery as provider
here is the video demonstrating issue

These are server logs
logs -

ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:45:26Z] UNIQUE constraint failed: keys.id             app=meshery code=meshery-server-1312 probable-cause="Record already exist.Database connection is not reachable" severity=2 short-description="Unable to create record" suggested-remediation="Delete the record or try updating the record instead of recreating.Rest the database connection"
WARN[0252] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:49:30Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1032 probable-cause="Query parameter is not a part of the request" severity=2 short-description="unable to get: .connections" suggested-remediation="Make sure to pass the query paramater in the request"
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] failed to get kubernetes contexts            
INFO[0255] Generated context: minikube                  
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:49:30Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1032 probable-cause="Query parameter is not a part of the request" severity=2 short-description="unable to get: .connections status" suggested-remediation="Make sure to pass the query paramater in the request"
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0255] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
INFO[2024-05-15T07:49:31Z] Events Subscription started for %s            app=meshery
INFO[2024-05-15T07:49:31Z] K8s context subscription started              app=meshery
WARN[0256] failed to get kubernetes contexts            
INFO[0256] Generated context: minikube                  
WARN[0256] unable to find session for user with id: meshery. 
WARN[0257] failed to get kubernetes contexts            
WARN[0257] failed to get kubernetes contexts            
INFO[0257] Generated context: minikube                  
INFO[0257] Generated context: minikube                  
WARN[0258] could not retrieve kubernetes cluster ID, skipping context minikube: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host 
WARN[0258] could not retrieve kubernetes cluster ID, skipping context minikube: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host 
WARN[0258] could not retrieve kubernetes cluster ID, skipping context minikube: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host 
WARN[0258] could not retrieve kubernetes cluster ID, skipping context minikube: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host 
DEBU[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] created client for adapter: localhost:10000   app=meshery
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp [::1]:10000: connect: connection refused"  app=meshery code=meshery-server-1047 probable-cause="unable to retrieve the requested data" severity=2 short-description="Error getting operations for the mesh.Error getting component name" suggested-remediation="Make sure adapter is reachable and running"
DEBU[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] created client for adapter: localhost:10001   app=meshery
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp [::1]:10001: connect: connection refused"  app=meshery code=meshery-server-1047 probable-cause="unable to retrieve the requested data" severity=2 short-description="Error getting operations for the mesh.Error getting component name" suggested-remediation="Make sure adapter is reachable and running"
DEBU[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] created client for adapter: localhost:10012   app=meshery
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp [::1]:10012: connect: connection refused"  app=meshery code=meshery-server-1047 probable-cause="unable to retrieve the requested data" severity=2 short-description="Error getting operations for the mesh.Error getting component name" suggested-remediation="Make sure adapter is reachable and running"
DEBU[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] created client for adapter: localhost:10013   app=meshery
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing: dial tcp [::1]:10013: connect: connection refused"  app=meshery code=meshery-server-1047 probable-cause="unable to retrieve the requested data" severity=2 short-description="Error getting operations for the mesh.Error getting component name" suggested-remediation="Make sure adapter is reachable and running"
DEBU[2024-05-15T07:49:33Z] final list of active adapters: []             app=meshery
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:50:16Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1033 probable-cause="Result Identifier provided is not valid.Result did not persist in the database" severity=2 short-description="unable to get result" suggested-remediation="Make sure to provide the correct identifier for the result"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:50:16Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1032 probable-cause="Query parameter is not a part of the request" severity=2 short-description="unable to get: .connections" suggested-remediation="Make sure to pass the query paramater in the request"
INFO[2024-05-15T07:51:13Z] K8s context subscription stopped              app=meshery
INFO[2024-05-15T07:51:13Z] Events Subscription stopped for %s00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000  app=meshery
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:51:15Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1033 probable-cause="Result Identifier provided is not valid.Result did not persist in the database" severity=2 short-description="unable to get result" suggested-remediation="Make sure to provide the correct identifier for the result"
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:51:15Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1032 probable-cause="Query parameter is not a part of the request" severity=2 short-description="unable to get: .connections" suggested-remediation="Make sure to pass the query paramater in the request"
INFO[2024-05-15T07:51:16Z] K8s context subscription started              app=meshery
INFO[2024-05-15T07:51:16Z] Events Subscription started for %s            app=meshery
WARN[0361] failed to get kubernetes contexts            
WARN[0361] failed to get kubernetes contexts            
INFO[0361] Generated context: minikube                  
INFO[0361] Generated context: minikube                  
ERRO[2024-05-15T07:51:17Z]                                               app=meshery code=meshery-server-1032 probable-cause="Query parameter is not a part of the request" severity=2 short-description="unable to get: .connections status" suggested-remediation="Make sure to pass the query paramater in the request"
INFO[2024-05-15T07:51:17Z] Events Subscription stopped for %s00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000  app=meshery
INFO[2024-05-15T07:51:17Z] K8s context subscription stopped              app=meshery
WARN[0364] could not retrieve kubernetes cluster ID, skipping context minikube: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host 
WARN[0364] could not retrieve kubernetes cluster ID, skipping context minikube: Get "": dial tcp connect: no route to host 


OS: Windows
Environment :github code spaces

Update - i got into newer issue :upside_down_face:

i was stuck at this from 5 days , i was getting new issues when i experiment
i have even upgraded codespace specs like to 8 cores , 64 gb
but even that doesnt help much

@Deepak_Reddy I often use github codespaces, but haven’t faced such issues. Will you stop and restart the codespaces and ensure the codespaces has correct dependencies for go installed.

Got the same error even after restarting codespace which is localhost refused
here are commands i ran to build and start server

make ui-setup && make ui-build && make server