Unable to access meshery server after meshery server status is running

I am able to run the meshery service using mesheryctl system start. Then I ran the make ui command to run the server at http://localhost:9081/. I am trying to login the mesheryctl using the token, which I can retrieve correctly from the ui server.
However, when I try to check the status and login, I am unable to access the meshery server.
Apparently, the server should start at http://localhost:31828/ but the browser returns unable to access server.

Also when i run mesheryctl system check i get this issue.

Meshery Version
!! failed to check Meshery Server version. try starting Meshery with `mesheryctl system start`
!! CLI is not up-to-date (stable-v0.7.82)`

It seems the server is not accessible outside the cluster, any way to verify and troubleshoot that?

Some cmd outputs for more info

$ mesheryctl system status
NAME                    READY   STATUS  RESTARTS        AGE    
meshery                 1/1     Running 0               14m56s
meshery-broker          2/2     Running 0               14m54s
meshery-meshsync        1/1     Running 0               14m54s
meshery-operator        2/2     Running 0               14m55s

Meshery endpoint is http://localhost:31828

Note that the kube cluster is on docker desktop as seen in the screenshot

HI @Devesh did you read until this part of the installation guide for Minikube | Meshery

based on it mesheryctl system config minikube should help

Basically whe you run workload in minikube (or kubernetes) it will not be available from outside the cluster until you explicitly ask for and this is not related to meshery but the way kubernetes is working