I am working on this issue to add screenshots of Containerd & Curiefense integration, but am fairly new to this cloud-native field and struggling to do these.
I have access to meshmap as I suppose these integrations are to be performed in this tool, but not able to figure out what to do from here can somebody who has done these integrations help me with how to do these integrations it would be really helpful.
@Raman_Thakur you need to make a simple design using the specific Integration (They don’t have to be perfect or very devOps-centric). Take two screenshots of them, one in Dark Mode and one in Light mode and then Integrate them on the website, you can take reference from identical issues.
2(Designer in Dark-Mode + Light-Mode)+ 2(Visualizer in Dark-Mode + Light-Mode) = 4 screenshots
I have a doubt!! I can understand usage of integration components on design page. But can’t see any relation with integration tools on visualize page. I have check PRs of people; I am not able to see any shape related to integration tool of their respective PRs. Kind of looks confusing. Anyone for help? Would be grateful!!
which integration are you referring to @SrijanShovit?
FluentBit on which I’m working