Testing Local Sistent Changes in Meshery

To test your local changes in the sistent repository within Meshery, follow these steps:

:one: Get the Local Path of Sistent

Navigate to the sistent directory and copy its absolute path using:

:two: Install Sistent in Meshery

Now, navigate to your Meshery repository and install the local sistent package using the copied path:

cd ui
npm install <copied-path>

Hey, just want to confirm the exact method:
referring to this: GitHub - layer5io/sistent: Layer5 Design System

When I change something in sistent/src/themes/palette.tsx like the primary color( in the export const lightModePalette: PaletteOptions = {
background: {
default: Colors.charcoal[100], primary…). Then do,

  1. npm run build (in the sistent dir)
  2. npm install (in meshery dir)
  3. make ui-build (meshery , terminal 1)
  4. make ui-server(meshery, terminal 1)
  5. make ui(meshery,terminal 2)

I dont see any changes, am I missing something, have tried to change various component’s colors in the same file.


When you are working with meshery.
You can navigate to the ui folder of the meshery and then do
npm install <path-to-your-local-machine-sistent-dir>

yeah, I did it in ui only.

You can have the reference from

video for the reference.

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