Seeking a MeshMap Contributor

We’re on the lookout for a contributor to join our project.

If you’re skilled in MUI (Material-UI), React, and Javascript, here’s an exciting opportunity for you.

The task is to integrate this plugin: (GitHub - upsetjs/cytoscape.js-bubblesets: Cytoscape.js Bubblesets plugin).

If you’re up for it or have any questions, drop a reply.

I have some skill in React, javascript but not in MUI. Also I don’t have much idea about the plugin system. I would like to get some guidance before working on it.

Hi @sauravk7 :wave:
Welcome to the Layer :layer5: community and thank you for reaching out for a :meshmate: MeshMate.

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Tagging our Meshmates too @Yash.Sharma @Naureen.Imran