[Recap] Highlights from the Websites Call ( 5th Dec 2022)

Meeting Minutes:

  • Site Ready?
    [Gbotemi] Patterns in Action Page?
    Designs, Prototypes? [Volunteer Needed]”


  • SEO analysis of Layer5

  • HomePage Optimisation?

  • Integrations Section

  • [Suhail Khan] - “Converting Stack of filters into a carousel PR #3494

  • [Nikhil] - Dark mode flash, possible solutions:

  • Switch to CSR (client-side rendering) for all the pages, but bad for SEO. Like, the page can still be crawled but not that effectively.

  • Switch to sessionStorage, but it doesn’t fix the issue completely. We can avoid the flash on a return visit not in an existing session.

  • Open Issues

  • #3076

  • #3359

  • #3089


  • [Arunima Chaudhuri] - Navbar PR: Link to PR
  • [Krishna Gupta] - Integrations on home page


  • [Krishna Gupta] - Improving the website.

Meshery UI

  • [Harshit] - Dark theme for Meshery UI

  • Reviews required

Docker Extension UI



Meshery UI


KeyNotes from the Meeting:

Check Page performance here.
The performance of the site for the mobile is quite poor. If anyone wants to try their hands on, We have 2 issues open for the same.

  • Dark-Mode Flicker When the Site loads:

There is an issue on the layer5.io site, that when we reload the page, we get a flicker of white mode(light mode) before switching permanently to the dark mode. It also happens vice-versa. We are still discussing as to what the solution to this problem might be. If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the same, you can ping Nikhil/@Nikhil_Ladha You can watch the livestream(now a video) of the websites call on YouTube, for detailed information about the issue.

  • Harshit has encouraged and invited everyone to review and test out his Dark-Mode for MesheryUI. Please make sure everyone drops a comment, and tells him how the dark mode has turned out to be.
    Link to issue

  • There are a couple of open issues which are in need of help. Check the open issues section in the meeting minutes for more more info.

  • Arunima demo’ed her PR for the NavBar overflow issue, and was showered with a ton of suggestions.

  • Suhail displayed his work on the INTEGRATIONS Section.