Problems faced during setting up local development environment

to contribute to the issue assigned to me I was trying to run the website on my local machine (WSL on Windows) I was following the following document:

How to contribute
In the setting up of the environment section, of the above document all was going well until step 7
but as I ran the (make setup) command in step 8 it gave the following error:
image of errors

and when I proceeded after ignoring the errors in step 9 it gave the following error:

Hey @Raman_Thakur , it’s great that you posted your problem.

Try these below steps

  • Remove node_modules
  • Remove package-lock.json
  • Run command npm install
  • Run command npm start

You can now view Layer5 in the browser at http://localhost:8000/ .

@Akhilender_Bongirwar Thanks a lot it solved my problems, and now I can focus on working on my issue. The website is running directly on my local machine without any error messages, but during the npm install it is still giving some warnings do I need to worry about them?

@Raman_Thakur, you dont need to worry about the warnings.