Problem with ruby installation on Linux

If we follow the current docs to install ruby on linux using rbenv we’ll run into an issue “install command not found”, while trying to use rbenv install 3.2.2

We need to install a separate plugin of rbenv to solve this issue.

OS: Ubuntu 22.04

Hi @Pratik_Chandra_Pal,

Can you give mode details and add some outputs ?

Hi @Matthieu.EVRIN

Basically when you’re trying to use rbenv to install ruby locally there is an error saying install command not found.
To fix it we need to install another plugin of rbenv which is not mentioned in the installation docs.

:raised_hand: @Pratik_Chandra_Pal

Con you provide the link of the documentation and the part you are talking about, thanks

:raised_hand: @Pratik_Chandra_Pal

Finally, I found the issue you faced, this could a first contribution to the documentation, gonna open an issue

if you are interested to contribute this is the issue link [Docs] rbenv installation not working properly following instructions · Issue #12230 · meshery/meshery · GitHub

Yes ofcourse. I’ll be making a PR soon. Thanks!

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