Not able to connect my minikube cluster to meshery developement enviorment

I installed minikube on my linux ubuntu envoirment and started the minikube on my docker but when I import the kube config file, I am getting the following error

Generated context: minikube error getting kubernetes version: Get “”: dial tcp connect: connection refused Skipping context

Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong as I am quite new to k8s

Version of Meshery and mesheryctl? Output of mesheryctl version? Are you building Meshery or deploying Meshery? Version of Minikube? Output of kubectl config view?

@Jivtesh_Singh Please do provide the logs and outputs required for others to understand your issue and offer help.

Hey, I am beginner to meshery . I started running meshery localy and wanted to connect minikube with it throught the token method. But am getting error as
[Configuring Meshery to access Minikube…
Error getting context: no contexts found]
I also tried by manually editing the configuration yaml file used by meshery, still i was not able to connect minikube with meshery, can anyone help me with this?

@DHANUSH of the steps outlined in Minikube | Meshery, can you give specific details of which step you’re getting stuck at?

Try changing the API Server address in config_minikube.yaml to https://[minikube-ip]:8443

To get the minikube IP, use the command minikube ip.

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