New Performance features in mesheryctl

mesheryctl perf commands are used to work with the performance testing features of Meshery through the CLI. The Meshery release v0.6.119 enhanced the mesheryctl perf apply command adding support for the following flags -

-b, --body string                  (optional) Load test body. Can be a filepath/string
    --options string               (optional) Additional options to be passed to the load generator. Can be a json string or a filepath containing json
    --cert-path string             (optional) Path to the certificate to be used for the load test
    --disable-cert                 (optional) Do not use certificate present in the profile

A complete list of functionalities offered by the mesheryctl perf apply command -

$ mesheryctl perf apply -h
Run Performance test using existing profiles or using flags

  mesheryctl perf apply <profile-name> [flags]


// Execute a Performance test with the specified performance profile
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile [flags]

// Execute a Performance test with creating a new performance profile
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url ""

// Execute a Performance test creating a new performance profile and pass certificate to be used 
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url "" --cert-path path/to/cert.pem

// Execute a performance profile without using the certificate present in the profile
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile --url "" --disable-cert

// Run Performance test using SMP compatible test configuration
// If the profile already exists, the test will be run overriding the values with the ones provided in the configuration file
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile -f path/to/perf-config.yaml

// Run performance test using SMP compatible test configuration and override values with flags
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile -f path/to/perf-config.yaml [flags]

// Choice of load generator - fortio, wrk2 or nighthawk (default: fortio)
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile --load-generator wrk2

// Execute a Performance test with specified queries per second
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile --url --qps 30

// Execute a Performance test with specified service mesh
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile --url --mesh istio

// Execute a Performance test creating a new performance profile and pass options to the load generator used
// If any options are already present in the profile or passed through flags, the --options flag will take precedence over the profile and flag options 
// Options for nighthawk -
// Options for fortio -
// Options for wrk2 -
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url "" --options [filepath|json-string]
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url "" --options path/to/options.json
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url "" --load-generator nighthawk --options '{"requests_per_second": 10, "max_pending_requests": 5}'
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url "" --load-generator fortio --options '{"MethodOverride": "POST"}'
mesheryctl perf apply meshery-profile-new --url "" --load-generator wrk2 --options '{"DurationInSeconds": 15, "Thread": 3}'

  -b, --body string                  (optional) Load test body. Can be a filepath/string
      --cert-path string             (optional) Path to the certificate to be used for the load test
      --concurrent-requests string   (optional) Number of Parallel Requests
      --disable-cert                 (optional) Do not use certificate present in the profile
      --duration string              (optional) Length of test (e.g. 10s, 5m, 2h). For more, see
  -f, --file string                  (optional) File containing SMP-compatible test configuration. For more, see
  -h, --help                         help for apply
      --load-generator string        (optional) Load-Generator to be used (fortio/wrk2/nighthawk)
      --mesh string                  (optional) Name of the Service Mesh
      --name string                  (optional) Name of the Test
      --options string               (optional) Additional options to be passed to the load generator. Can be a json string or a filepath containing json
      --qps string                   (optional) Queries per second
      --url string                   (optional) Endpoint URL to test (required with --profile)

Global Flags:
      --config string          path to config file (default "/Users/abrafi/.meshery/config.yaml")
  -o, --output-format string   (optional) format to display in [json|yaml]
  -t, --token string           (required) Path to meshery auth config
  -v, --verbose                verbose output
  -y, --yes                    (optional) assume yes for user interactive prompts.

Great Job guys, this is awesome :100:

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I agree. Not only does this greatly expand the set of performance test options and support including of SSL certificates, but I love the usage examples, too.

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