Meshery Multi Cluster Testing Guide

Hi Meshery Community,

Soon Meshery will support multiple, concurrent connections to different Kubernetes clusters. Users can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters using Meshery (even when Meshery is deployed in-cluster). This change has a very huge surface area and hence may have multiple bugs.

Considering the sweeping nature of this change in Meshery’s codebase, your assistance in kicking the tires on this new feature will be most helpful in ensuring a smooth transition from single to multiple cluster management.

See these instructions to deploying a release candidate with the multi-cluster management capability included.

To test Meshery’s multi-cluster management features:

  1. Deploy Meshery: mesheryctl system start -p kubernetes
  2. Edit Meshery’s deployment: kubectl edit deployments.apps -n meshery meshery. This will open Meshery’s deployment manifest in your text editor.
  3. Replace with
  4. Replace image layer5/meshery:stable-latest with utkarsh23/meshery:stable-latest (this is a temporary hosting just for easing the testing process)
  5. Add a new env with name: BUILD and value: v0.5.61 (this is to get capabilities endpoint behave properly)
  6. Add a new env with name: DEBUG and value: “true” (this is to enable debug logs)
  7. Access Meshery UI

Testing multi-context support is extremely important given the potential for breaking changes. Thank you for your help!

What an impactful effort this is. This feature is ready for inclusion in an early v0.6.x release. @revoly, Meshery will need the ability to generate Kubernetes cluster components per connected context (ClickUp)

Updated test steps:

  1. Deploy Meshery: mesheryctl system start -p kubernetes
  2. Edit Meshery’s deployment: kubectl edit deployments.apps -n meshery meshery. This will open Meshery’s deployment manifest in your text editor.
  3. Replace image layer5/meshery:stable-latest with utkarsh23/meshery:latest (this is a temporary hosting just for easing the testing process)
  4. Add a new env with name: BUILD and value: v0.6.0-rc-2 (this is to get capabilities endpoint behave properly)
  5. Add a new env with name: DEBUG and value: “true” (this is to enable debug logs)
  6. Access Meshery UI