Homepage GIF

Hello Everyone, Look at this latest version of the GIF, need feedback and especially from @Ritik.Saxena. On behalf of @Ritik.Saxena feedback I slowed more GIF. But doing more leads to lag due to less FPS. Might be a quality loss because of compression.


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@Vaibhav.Maurya, looks good… almost great. The quality is on the poor side. I understand there’s a balance between quality and size, but…

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@Lee I tried a lot but not achieving the quality that you are expecting. Here is a new version it’s about 4.7MB and I think it’s looking the same as the previous one.


I tried the second way in which I did zoom the website and I tried recording but faced new challenges:

Did you try reducing the bitrate of video while exporting (rendering) from whatever software you are using? this might reduce the size without losing much of the quality

@Ritik.Saxena I tried what you said here is the GIF.


Let’s take the feedback on Monday’s websites call.
Will you please add this to the agenda item?

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