Meshery Development Meeting | May 22nd 2024


  • Matthieu EVRIN, Shlok Mishra, Deepak Reddy, Ibrahim Mbaziira, Christopher Kalule, Bhuminjay Soni, Lee Calcote, Uzair Shaikh, Deepak SInghal, Vaastavi, Sudhanshu Dasgupta, Rex Joshua, Rishav Chattopadhyay,Akshay Sharma, Vivek Vishal, Kenneth Akor, Samuel Nwanwobi, Emeka Uzowulu

sends regrets:

  • Saurabh Kumar Singh, Tharun T,


  • [your name] - “your agenda item”

  • [Yash] - LFX internships - link

  • [Antonette] - Minor update, covered most of the RTK Query API and Redux Toolkit features. No new demo to show this

  • [Yash Sharma] - Fix connection APIs for local provider #11005

  • [Uzair] - Token issues and auth middleware #11003

  • [Deepak Reddy] - [Docs] Import Helm Charts into Meshery #11013

  • [Shlok] -Mesheryctl’s unit tests fix #11002

    • Call for volunteers for
    • When hover the right hand avatar it does not close the submenu when the cursor leaves the area #11015
  • [Vivek] - Three years of Discussion forum

  • [Bhuminjay Soni] - “ migrating rjsf to sistent”

  • [Rex Joshua] - Use of Sistent components in Meshery UI
    Use of Sistent Variables
    Call for volunteers: #5527, #5528

  • [Archit] - ESlint issue on Meshery #11076

  • [Ibrahim] - Update components & models in meshery adapter library to v1beta1 #158

  • [Aabid] - introduction of actors and xstate to mesheryui

  • [call for volunteer] migration of cypress tests to playwright
  • [Sudhanshu] - Move to sistent tooltips and remove any internal markdown manipulation

  • Fix eslint in meshery

  • [Call for volunteer]- migrate to sistent modals

  • [Akshay] - Enhance Mobile Version of Meshmap #2625

  • [Rudraksh] -

  • [Sangram] Playground Staging

    • Deployment and use of CloudNativePG in Meshery Design
    • Updated architecture slides
  • [your name] - “your agenda item”

  • [your name] - “your agenda item”