- Ankita Sahu, Antonette Caldwell, Sangram Rath, Yash Sharma, Amit Amrutiya
- Yaten Dhingra, Rafayel Juwe, Souvik, Binming Li, Sudhanshu
- Anuj Kumar Sharma, Ijeoma Eti
- Matthieu EVRIN , Ngan Phan, Yash Sharma, Pratik Chandra Pal,Ashish kumar, Vidit Kushwaha, Taiwo Sholadoye, Lawrence Li, Riya Garg
Send regrets:
- Ahmed “Hindo”
Standing Agenda
- Component updates: mesheryctl , UI migration,
- Release Planning: Test plan, v0.9.0 GitHub Milestone
[Ankita Sahu] [UI] MUI v5 migration Filters a #13181
[Binming] [UI]
[Ashish] adds org command #13172
[Yaten] integrate configCmd into startCmd #13157
- toggle rego evaluation trace
- Error code and documentation for import models
[mevrin] mesheryctl
[Amit] - Enhance the dashboard resource detail view #13183 #872
[Aabid] Meshery v0.8.8 is released.
[Lee] Meshery Incubation preparatory work for adopter interviews.
[Sangram] Meshery v0.9 release roadmap draft is out for comment. Design spec reviews to be scheduled.
[Sangram] Update (doesn’t need time on call): Fixing a failed workflow for playground cleanup deleted the staging namespace. The script has now been fixed to avoid deleting the namespace. Staging playground, staging-cloud and other related resources have to be re-created and is a WIP.
[Riya Garg] Issue #12135 tests for exp relationship generate command. Problem in mocking Google Sheets API. Want to discuss some approaches