- Matthieu EVRIN, Vivek Vishal, Amit Amrutiya, Yash Sharma, Yash Sharma, Anuj Kumar Sharma, Kapil Ramwani, Ijeoma Eti, Sudhanshu, Godson Sakawa, Sangram Rath, Vidit Kushwaha, Rafayel Juwe, Oscar Gonzalez, Aabid, Riya Garg, Ranit Mukherjee, Taiwo Sholadoye
Send regrets:
- Sovuik, Lee
Standing Agenda
- Component updates: mesheryctl (Matthew), UI migration (Amit),
- Release Planning: Test plan, v0.9.0 GitHub Milestone
[Pratik] [mesheryctl] Fix:
[your name] “your agenda item”
[Kapil] Unable to remove/delete Prometheus connection on one attempt · Issue #12956 · meshery/meshery · GitHub and further discussion of the UI parts of the problem and server parts. Looking for help with the UI.
[Yash] Adding a connection ID on the connections page #13391
[Anuj Kumar Sharma] “[e2e] Increase coverage on for extensions page #12708”
[Matthieu] [mesheryctl relationship] refactoring tests not stored properly #13393
[Riya Garg]
- [mesheryctl] Local Testing for model Import (WIP)
- [Server] Fixing UI error logs for model import (WIP)
[Yash Sharma]
[Sudhanshu] - help in few leftover migrations from mui to sistent
[Amit] - Working on MUI migration #13394 #13385 #13384 #13383 #13380 #13379 #13368 #13366 #13354
[Ijeoma] - Update on the helm kanvas snapshot Readme #91. Upload Helm Kanvas snapshot on artifact hub