Meshery Development Meeting | February 5th 2025


Read the full meeting chat.

Vivek Vishal: Meshery Development Meeting - Google Docs

Vivek Vishal: I’ll get the live stream going

Lee Calcote: It’s great to have you here, @Arpit529Srivastava

Lee Calcote: Service mesh management - - not Meshery’s core focus.

Lee Calcote: All things cloud native management - - Meshery’s core focus.

Lee Calcote: Hi @Amit karnam! :wave:

Amit karnam: Hey Everyone

Lee Calcote: @Oscar Gonzalez’s in the da house!

Lee Calcote: @Ranit Mukherjee is busy fixing (ignoring) .rego files. :slightly_smiling_face: :clap:

Lee Calcote: @Saikiran Somanagoudar east coast. Represent!

Lee Calcote: Replying to “@Oscar Gonzalez’s in…”
@Oscar Gonzalez, are you in the Central time zone?

Ranit Mukherjee: Reacted to “@Ranit Mukherjee is …” with :sweat_smile:

Amit karnam: Hey Everyone , Amit Karnam here. Have some issues with my speaker.

My main focus is golang, was exploring projects on the community. Was exploring projects to contribute to and here i am😄.

I ahve about 1.5year experience in the IT domain mainly in the backup , Disaster Recovery domain. Happy to make my contributions here.

Vivek Vishal:

Oscar Gonzalez: Reacted to “@Oscar Gonzalez’s…” with :+1:

Oscar Gonzalez: @Lee Calcote yes CST

Oscar Gonzalez: Replying to “@Oscar Gonzalez’s…”
Greeting from Mexico CIty

Vivek Vishal: [Chore] Meshery Incubation Tasks · Issue #13455 · meshery/meshery · GitHub

Vivek Vishal: Meshery Incubation proposal: [Incubation] Meshery Incubation Application · Issue #1386 · cncf/toc · GitHub

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “Meshery Incubation p…”
Ideal place to show your support :rocket:

Vivek Vishal: Redirecting…

Vivek Vishal:

Arpit Srivastava: Can say this is better (according to me :slight_smile:

Lee Calcote: Reacted to “Can say this is bett…” with :balloon:

Vivek Vishal: Reacted to “Can say this is bett…” with :balloon:

Kapil Ramwani: The slack experience in meshery is really great. Where can I make this known that would help the incubation applicatoin?

Lee Calcote: Replying to “The slack experience…”

Vivek Vishal: mesheryctl Command Tracker - Google Sheets

Vivek Vishal:mesheryctl model build & mesheryctl model init

Vivek Vishal: or cobra cli too

Aabid Sofi: Reacted to “Can say this is be…” with :balloon:

Pratik Chandra Pal: Reacted to “or cobra cli too” with :heavy_plus_sign:

Vidit Kushwaha: Reacted to “Can say this is be…” with :balloon:

yash sharma: +1 it is automated process and no manual update is required if new version is released of CRD, Meshery will track new version and will show you in UI

Oscar Gonzalez: Reacted to “Hey Everyone , Ami…” with :clap:

Ashish kumar: Thanks this clears some of my doubts on models.

Souvik Kar: Contributing to Models Quick Start | Meshery

Vivek Vishal: Replying to " mesheryctl model bu…"

Ashish kumar: Reacted to “https://docs.meshe…” with :+1:

Amit karnam: Reacted to “https://docs.meshe…” with :+1:

Aabid Sofi: Reacted to “https://docs.meshe…” with :+1:

Ashish kumar: yes

Vivek Vishal: Reacted to “yes” with :heavy_plus_sign:

Arpit Srivastava: :+1:

Anuj Kumar Sharma: Reacted to “yes” with :heavy_plus_sign:

Ranit Mukherjee: ya, the idea’s similar to init in say, react or next js

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “ya, the idea’s simil…”
yeah, it creates boiler plate code files and structure to that you will edit to get your app going.

Aabid Sofi: Reacted to “yes” with :heavy_plus_sign:

Amit karnam: yep it makes sense, it’s a boilerplate content to get started with.

Ranit Mukherjee: Reacted to “yeah, it creates boi…” with :+1:

Arpit Srivastava: Just like we run
Cobra-cli init
We get some files and folder

Pratik Chandra Pal: Hello @Matthieu Evrin I came to know form Ian the test plan sheet is not updated. I want to work on some tests can anyone help me picking one?

Ranit Mukherjee: Replying to “Just like we run
pretty much tht if my understanding is on point

yash sharma: If with model file I have component dir also, will it auto import those components along with model or do we need to import component manually?

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “Just like we run
correct, similar functionality is expected from mesheryctl model init to create the starter template for us.
and then when you’re done modifying those template specifying your model, mesheryct model build will then build and output it as an oci image.

Arpit Srivastava: Replying to “Just like we run
Makes sense :+1:

Ranit Mukherjee: Reacted to “correct, similar fun…” with :+1:

Vivek Vishal: mesheryctl Command Tracker - Google Sheets

yash sharma: will model init only create a sample model file or it will create a model dir with sample model.json file and along with component and relationship dir also?

Lee Calcote: Replying to “If with model file I…”
Yes, mesheryctl model import ingests your whole collection of files currently.

yash sharma: Reacted to “Yes, mesheryctl mod…” with :white_check_mark:

Lee Calcote: Replying to “If with model file I…”
For users who might want to create an OCI image of their model, a mesheryctl model build . Command would be helpful.

Vivek Vishal: MUI Migration and sistent training:

Vivek Vishal: Meshery test plan: Meshery Test Plan - Google Sheets

ian: Replying to “The slack experience…”
Thanks for calling out the integration test definition!!

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “The slack experience…”
Thanks much @Kapil Ramwani, this helps. [Incubation] Meshery Incubation Application · Issue #1386 · cncf/toc · GitHub

Vivek Vishal: v0.9.0 Milestone · GitHub

Lee Calcote: Replying to “will model init only…”
You’re right - it should create the complete set of example entities, including sample component and sample relationship.

In fact, the existing sample CSVs are perfect examples of this. In essence, the proposed init command would produce “a copy” of the CSV templates.

Aabid Sofi: Webpack App

Aabid Sofi: Replying to “https://developers…”
library of reusable Grafana components

Ranit Mukherjee: Replying to “will model init only…”
but while generating this “copy” there will be room for flexibility & we to decide on the extent of same through an initial design spec?

yash sharma: @Vivek Vishal once we cover these items, I want to go next and cover the state of tests, and want to do call for volunteers

Sangram Rath: Also From an end user perspective it wouldn’t be user friendly with an embedded code. Not everyone would know how to work with it.

Vivek Vishal: Reacted to “Also From an end use…” with :eyes:

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “@Vivek Vishal once w…”
roger @yash sharma :heavy_check_mark:

Anuj Kumar Sharma: Reacted to “Also From an end use…” with :point_up:

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “@Vivek Vishal once w…”
@Vidit Kushwaha @Pratik Chandra Pal ^^

Vivek Vishal: Time check

K S Mahadevan: Reacted to “Also From an end u…” with :thinking:

Vidit Kushwaha: Reacted to “@Vivek Vishal once…” with :eyes:

Pratik Chandra Pal: Reacted to “@Vivek Vishal once…” with :wave:

Pratik Chandra Pal: Reacted to “@Vidit Kushwaha @P…” with :eyes:

Vivek Vishal: Meeting minutes, just in case you missed it:

Sangram Rath: Regarding the grafana dashboard what would probably make more sense next is once grafana is connected, show all dashboards (according to permissions) and then let a user select to display one (choose charts).

Lee Calcote: Replying to “will model init only…”
There could be a flag for whether the init command produces CSVs or YAML or JSON scaffolding.

yash sharma: Reacted to “There could be a fla…” with :heavy_plus_sign:

Ranit Mukherjee: Reacted to “There could be a fla…” with :+1:

Arpit Srivastava: Reacted to “There could be a fla…” with :heavy_plus_sign:

Lee Calcote: Replying to “will model init only…”
model import is already able to accept any (all) of these formats.

Ranit Mukherjee: Replying to “will model init only…”
ya, have observed that, currently ingests all directories & run the same through all functions [import.go]

Lee Calcote: Reacted to “ya, have observed th…” with :ok_hand:

Kapil Ramwani: Also one general question, some of the conditions in the code only became clear once I got into code.
What would be the best page to document this stuff?

Kapil Ramwani: I want to give users a simple sample dash

Lee Calcote: @yash sharma, I recall this sheet now. I had forgotten that this exists.

Lee Calcote: @Vivek Vishal it’d be great, if we can capture our Zoom chat in the publication of Meshery meeting minutes.

Kapil Ramwani: Replying to “I want to give users…”
That helps them understand what this JSON field actually wants.

Vivek Vishal: Replying to “@Vivek Vishal it’d b…”
I’ll do it :white_check_mark:

yash sharma: Contributing to Meshery's End-to-End Tests | Meshery

Pratik Chandra Pal: Thanks @yash sharma

Aman Singh: Reacted to “https://docs.meshery…” with :+1:

K S Mahadevan: Reacted to “https://docs.meshe…” with :+1:

Ranit Mukherjee: @yash sharma any milestones associated with testing for v0.9.0?

Vivek Vishal: Community Calendar | Meshery

Pranjal Rajput: We can create a Master Sheet that contains links to all other sheets, ensuring better organization and easy access.


  • Vivek Vishal,Anuj Kumar Sharma, Kapil Ramwani,Faheem Mushtaq, Weili Li
  • Matthieu EVRIN, Amit Amrutiya, Pranjal Rajput, Ijeoma Eti, Ranit Mukherjee, Pratik Chandra Pal, Yash Sharma
  • Saikiran Somanagoudar, Vidit Kushwaha, Aabid Sofi, Arpit Srivastava,Rafayel Juwe
  • Riya Garg,Oscar Gonzalez
  • Amit Karnam, K S Mahadevan, Sangram Rath

Send regrets: ,

  • Antonette (out of office), Sudhanshu Dasgupta,


  • Rename the Slack workspace.
  • Creation of new Meshery Youtube channel?
  • Creation of new git repo:

Standing Agenda


  • Two new mesheryctl commands:

    • mesheryctl model init
    • mesheryctl model build
  • [Kapil] Update on #13405.

    • We have the first panel working.
    • Need advice on the structuring of the PR.
  • [Yash Sharma] - State of API end-to-end testing in local provider

Next meeting:

  • [Lawrence]: Lifecycle management for meshery-nighthawk #13337
  • [Matthieu] [mesheryctl]
    • relationship command cleanup #13450
    • Bug in system reset #13477
  • [Ashish kumar] [mesheryctl] org command ready for merge.
  • [Pranjal]
    • Fix: Resolved Actions Button Misbehavior #13412
    • Fix: Placeholder Overlap in TextField #13468
    • Fix: the alignment issue of checkboxes in the Environments card #13470
  • [Riya Garg]
    • Refactor design import #13476
    • Error logs for non importable files, shifting error logs to server #13420 (WIP) - solves #13413 (replace hard coded error messages) and #13143 (error logs for non importable files)
  • [Ngan Phan] Enhance mesheryctl to Update Existing Components and Models from Local CSV Directory #13461
  • [Souvik] -
    • Fix: file and component processed multiple times during mesheryctl registry generate #668
    • Added extensive logging in mesheryctl registry to generate command #13480
  • [Ijeoma] - [Docs] Remove -n flag from Helm Kanvas snapshot docs #13483
  • [Faheem] - Integrate Sistent Theme to Provider UI && Working on Notification Component Design
  • [Aabid]- Rename operator crds 13479
    • Update provider / extension hardcoding in code 13475
  • [Ranit] - Update on Issues #13270, #13350 (Need Advice)
  • [Anuj Kumar Sharma] - [e2e] - increased test coverage on extensions page #12708
  • [Amit]- Working on MUI migration
  • [Vidit Kushwaha] - Consistent Qanelas font usage across meshery #13484
  • [Vivek] [call for volunteers] Meshery Incubation tasks
  • [Saikiran Somanagoudar] -
    • fix: add eslint installation commands in Dockerfile to resolve build errors #13361
      - Need advice on installing eslint beforeduring production build starts
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