Meshery Build and Release Meeting | June 13th 2024


  • Shlok Mishra, Rishav Chattopadhyay, Ibrahim Mbaziira, Yash Sharma, Saurabh K Singh, Deepak Reddy, Christopher Kalule, Animesh
  • Uzair Shaikh, Jerod Culpepper

Standing Agenda:


  • [Jerod] Continuous Delivery setup to
  • [Sangram] Upgrading Kubernetes version in playground cluster. #11103
  • [Akshay] Any updates on Playwright tests for Meshery UI
  • Enhancing “add catalog” workflow in to auto-generate “artifacthub-pkg”
  • [Lee] Enhancing the compatibility matrix to include test results for UI/CLI/MeshSync E2E tests.
  • [Shlok]-Workflow update to email error logs.#11156
  • [Rishav] MIgrate Cypress tests to Playwright #11095
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