Local setup problem

I am trying again and again from last week to setup it locally it using my full cpu and freezing my laptop

Hi @Divyansh_pratap_singh which OS you are using and what are its configs ?

i am using ubuntu 24 and I have AMD RYZEN 5 5000H and 8gb ram @Yash_Sharma

okay i now finally solved this problem but now i am getting this nothing found on localhost:9081

I think you might have missed make ui-build command

no i also ran this command before it

when i am going to localhost:9081 it is redirecting me here

Yes @Divyansh_pratap_singh you are in right path. Login using meshery provider. There are two provider meshery use one is local and one is remote, which you will idea from the meshery docs.
And then run make ui for localhost 3000 for ui changes.

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