Local Setup - deploying adapter issue

I have build Meshery UI on my local setup but I am not able to deploy the adapters on my local setup, everytime my request is cancelled.
The Error on local setup

Terminal logs

Is it because I am unauthorized while on my local setup, because my other request is also cancelled.

Will anyone provide some insights or guidance with the issue I am facing.

Hey @Yana_Gupta, As I can see through your logs, there are few issues in your setup first make sure meshery is able connect to k8s context. meshery can automatically detect the context if it fails so, you can try importing manually. Also as you are using minikube, which is intercepting the kubernetes API, try without using the minikube. or make sure minikube is able to access kubernetes API.

Thanks @Yash_Sharma, now I have connected Meshery to my k8 context, but now also I am not able to deploy the adapters.

Bash Logs

INFO[0156] kubernetes contexts successfully retrieved from remote provider 
INFO[0157] kubernetes contexts successfully retrieved from remote provider 
DEBU[0159] token sent for meshery-provider Meshery      
INFO[0170] attempting to fetch kubernetes contexts from cloud for Meshery instance: 3facd0a3-605d-4b53-b86e-65a6053b1b2c 

When I am deploying any adaptor after some time it cancels my requests with error, actually I have some issues assigned that I would only able to work on after.

Hey @Yana_Gupta, can you share the complete log output

The error message on server

INFO[2023-08-27T14:28:37+05:30] skipping meshsync data handler setup for contextId: 2dd50f67e63874e167312b18a272eaf5 as its public endpoint could not be found  app=meshery
INFO[2023-08-27T14:28:37+05:30] Deploying Adapter                             app=meshery
changing adapter status for meshery-istio on port 10000 to ENABLED 
INFO[2023-08-27T14:28:37+05:30] Failed to Deploy adapter                      app=meshery
ERRO[2023-08-27T14:28:37+05:30] the platform local is not supported currently. The supported platforms are: Docker and Kubernetes  app=meshery code=2263 probable-cause="Your platform is not supported for deploying Meshery Adapters" severity=3 short-description="Unable to deploy Meshery Adapter in the current environment" suggested-remediation="Consider using a supported platform for deploying Meshery Adapters"
DEBU[0133] token sent for meshery-provider Meshery      
INFO[0189] attempting to fetch kubernetes contexts from cloud for Meshery instance: 0bb93093-e058-44ad-b4c3-80cf4ae94585 
INFO[0192] kubernetes contexts successfully retrieved from remote provider 
WARN[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused  app=meshery code=11082 probable-cause="Client configuration may not be valid" severity=2 short-description="Could not get the public endpoint of the controller" suggested-remediation="Make sure the client configuration is valid"
INFO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] skipping meshsync data handler setup for contextId: 2dd50f67e63874e167312b18a272eaf5 as its public endpoint could not be found  app=meshery
INFO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] Deploying Adapter                             app=meshery
changing adapter status for meshery-istio on port 10000 to ENABLED 
INFO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] Failed to Deploy adapter                      app=meshery
ERRO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] the platform local is not supported currently. The supported platforms are: Docker and Kubernetes  app=meshery code=2263 probable-cause="Your platform is not supported for deploying Meshery Adapters" severity=3 short-description="Unable to deploy Meshery Adapter in the current environment" suggested-remediation="Consider using a supported platform for deploying Meshery Adapters"
INFO[0192] attempting to fetch kubernetes contexts from cloud for Meshery instance: 0bb93093-e058-44ad-b4c3-80cf4ae94585 
INFO[0193] kubernetes contexts successfully retrieved from remote provider 
WARN[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused  app=meshery code=11082 probable-cause="Client configuration may not be valid" severity=2 short-description="Could not get the public endpoint of the controller" suggested-remediation="Make sure the client configuration is valid"
INFO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] skipping meshsync data handler setup for contextId: 2dd50f67e63874e167312b18a272eaf5 as its public endpoint could not be found  app=meshery
INFO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] Deploying Adapter                             app=meshery
changing adapter status for meshery-istio on port 10000 to ENABLED 
INFO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] Failed to Deploy adapter                      app=meshery
ERRO[2023-08-27T14:29:40+05:30] the platform local is not supported currently. The supported platforms are: Docker and Kubernetes  app=meshery code=2263 probable-cause="Your platform is not supported for deploying Meshery Adapters" severity=3 short-description="Unable to deploy Meshery Adapter in the current environment" suggested-remediation="Consider using a supported platform for deploying Meshery Adapters"


The crux of the issue is that adapters cannot be deployed when you are running :meshery: locally.
Here, locally means using you ran :meshery: server using make server.
If you’d like to connect to any of the adapters then you’d have to run them locally too. That is by running make run into the respective directory of adapter (eg GitHub - meshery/meshery-istio: Meshery adapter for Istio).

If you’d like to deploy/undeploy adapter then you’d first have to deploy Meshery either in Kubernetes or Docker.
Then based on your platform Meshery Adapters can also be deployed using that deploy/undeploy button in the UI.


It would be helpful if you can update that error message to be more informative about connecting to locally running adapters when Meshery is detected to be running locally.

Thanks @theBeginner86

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