I want to join a meshery cloud team

Hi, I would like to join the meshery cloud team how can I go about it?


Hi @Yusuf_Abdullahi,

Thank you for raising this question. Meshery Cloud is one of the remote providers that Meshery, as an extensible cloud-native manager, supports (Reference: Extensibility: Providers | Meshery). So, most of the work done in Meshery Cloud is to support one or another aspect of Meshery and its capabilities.

All the contributors (team members) of Meshery Cloud are actually handpicked from the Meshery Community based on an individual’s impact and cadence in the level of contributions. The quickest way to get started with Meshery Cloud contributions is to start engaging more meaningfully in the community. This can be done by joining weekly community calls, taking part in conversations in Slack (and the Discussion forum), helping review others’ PRs, triaging GitHub issues, providing feedback on the community calls, writing blogs (Layer 5 Writing Program), helping improve Meshery Docs, creating/improving designs in Figma, etc. Actually, you can do any (or all of them and even more) based on your availability (consistency is the key :wink: ).

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Would you mind giving a bit more info about your comfortability with the tech stack that you use? Which part of the Meshery community (Backend, CI/CD, UI, Docs, Designs, Blogs…) are you currently engaged in? What are you looking forward to learning? Have you already joined any of the community calls? Do you already have any issues assigned? Were you successful in running Meshery Server?

thanks @theBeginner86 , I’m interested in the UI of meshery, I am a frontend developer, I use react framework, Javascript, HTML and CSS build nice and user-friendly websites