I can't able to understand the Meshery UI Contribution setup doc please guide

Please help me to set up.

Hi – @Dvinod We appreciate you raised your question to our discuss forum and we would love to help you out to the soonest so as you can start contributing and stay away from blockers!

However, the whole contributing doc process is quite long with so many steps, it will be helpful to us if you provide:

  1. Your OS configurations
  2. At what exact particular step you are facing an issue.

Please read the guide book from here:

Looking forward to hear from you soon:)

here is my OS configuration

Device name DESKTOP-UUV7T5J
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.60 GB usable)
Device ID 37B2BB27-9EC2-48FA-9F0E-B416C1B4336B
Product ID 00331-10000-00001-AA490
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display

and i want to download in WSL Ubuntu,
Like from starting process.

Sounds cool @Dvinod

Please go ahead and checkout: Install WSL | Microsoft Learn
You can download WSL on your windows by following above link’s step mentioned.

Let me know after this any blocker you are facing. We are happy to help you.


i have installed WSL and know i need to install meshery ui in my local environment .

  1. First I need to fork and install the main meshery repo.
  2. And then I need to follow the contributing to meshry ui guide, is that right.
    or is there any confusion i got

Yes @Dvinod correct.
First fork the repo and clone that forked meshery repository
Then follow all the steps from guide book to start your local server.

Let me know if you further face any issues, we are here to help you to the soonest!