Following log means that your server has started successfully and is listening at port 9081 on localhost.
INFO[2023-10-22T20:41:11+05:30] Meshery Server listening on: 9081 app=meshery
It’s Stuck at “go run main.go error.go”
cc1.exe: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in
make: *** [Makefile:103: server] Error 1
This error occurred.
Try using WSL2 to avoid issues with Windows.
maybe its something to do with the firewall blocking the port
@Santhosh.S as @Lee said you should use WSL2.
Yes @Lee Will try it with WSL2.
I’ll try it with WSL2, Thank you
same error im getting on mac, server started but " This site can’t be reached" error.
@Shridhar, this means that Meshery UI or Provider UI is not being built. Be sure that you’re using a supported Node version (18.x) while building the UI. Open up a new post with your environment details and paste the output of make build
if you’re still having issues.