Getting "Meshery Deployment Incompatible" message on running Meshery UI

Recently on running Meshery UI ,I got the below page :

This error was due to the fact that I hadn’t fetched the latest tags . You can check the tags in your local repository by using git tag or the latest tag for your repository by using the command git describe --tags.

To get the latest tags from the remote repository ,use the command git fetch --tags while being inside your git repository. This command downloads all tags from the remote repository to your local repository. This will ensure that your local repository has all the tags from the remote repository.

After running the above commands and updating the tags in your local git repository ,build the Meshery UI again using make ui-build and run the Meshery Server using make server.

Now it should run without any problem and you won’t get the above error page. :slightly_smiling_face:


This is helpful @Ayush.Sharma. Thanks!

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Thanks man, I was facing the same issue