Feasible method to support for new relationships

Can we just augment the existing relationships by adding more sets into the from and to properties to support new components for a given relationships or does it make more sense to create new relationships for each new pair of components?

@MUzairS15 views on this one?

We might need a reference guide for adding new relationships

The existing Meshery Models Contributor Guide for creating relationships needs to be updated with instructions like dealing with a relationship that patches multiple containers in a deployment / pod spec, for example. Another need being that of a description for actions (match, patch) and references (type:self).

The from and to selectors need to be enhanced with attributes like operator, and action (we already somewhat support, like patch).
The patch usage is captured somewhat inside the schema definition.
New relationships only need to be created if they have a different visual/interaction paradigm, I suppose.

There needs to be user involvement when evaluating relationships in cases where a component/relationship supports multiple actions (eg: Whether to attach ConfigMap as envVariable or volume. For more context refer to the PR.