Fatal: repository 'https://github.com/mitchellh/osext/' not found

I ran make server and I got go: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=off; see 'go help modules'
so I enabled it by running export GO111MODULE=on
then when I run go mod tidy I got

  go: github.com/layer5io/nighthawk-go@v1.0.3 requires
        github.com/layer5io/meshkit@v0.2.7 requires
        helm.sh/helm/v3@v3.3.1 requires
        github.com/deislabs/oras@v0.8.1 requires
        github.com/docker/distribution@v0.0.0-20191216044856-a8371794149d requires
        github.com/mitchellh/osext@v0.0.0-20151018003038-5e2d6d41470f: invalid version: git ls-remote -q origin in /Users/macbookpro/.gvm/pkgsets/go1.21.8/global/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/94ed57c5b21c953d93b47487113db43a5c9b69fd990329ec70dc77348c4dd443: exit status 128:
        remote: Repository not found.
        fatal: repository 'https://github.com/mitchellh/osext/' not found
and I visited ‘https://github.com/mitchellh/osext/’ it is 404.

And I pulled the latest commit
What should I do? thanks!

Go: v1.21.8
Node: v18.15.0
NPM: v9.5.0

While this doesn’t directly address the error that you’re seeing, I will quickly confirm that the OS, go, node, and npm versions are all supported; that your environment configuration is ideal.

I followed this documentation Contributing to Meshery UI | Meshery

I completed both make ui-setup, make ui-build, and make ui
make ui-server and make server gave me errors

could you try

GOPROXY=https://proxy.golang.org go mod tidy

Thank you so much! It works!