Facing Issue in setting up meshery locally

I am stuck here only , please help!

Lets call @Yash_Sharma :meshmate:

sir , I think my primary issue is

Kubernetes context in-cluster at not reachable

I have created two contexts for meshery. One with platform docker and other with kubernetes. Both are facing same issue.
Screenshot from 2024-11-13 13-42-28

Hi @Akhilesh_Jyotishi, are you using docker desktop ? Please make sure your kubernetes is up and running

I am in linux , so I am using cli … not docker desktop , i guess.
This means if I am deploying meshery on docker then I need my kubernetes (minikube ) running?

please see below command

on running this i am facing above mentioned issues but on using
platform=kubernetes , I am not facing any issue

@Akhilesh_Jyotishi, if you’re working with Minikube, please ensure it’s configured correctly. Here’s a documentation link that might be helpful.