[Documentation] Is there a tutorial where people joining in can setup meshmap with meshery in their local cluster

It would really help if there was a tutorial for someone who wants to try out meshmap gets to do it by referring to a document.

Hi @Cyna. Documentation and tutorials are currently in progress, here are a few steps to set up MeshMap with Meshery using a local cluster.

  1. Install Meshery on any platform - Meshery The Kubernetes and Cloud Native Manager - an extensible developer platform | Meshery
  2. Mehsery automatically detects the local cluster running on your system or you can also upload kubeconfig using settings UI.

We would love more feedback from you @Cyna. Did you try deploying/undeploying a sample catalog design in Playground yet?

@Cyna would you like to offer your feedback?
Maintainer @Chadha93 still awaits your response!