CSV data filtering in Jekyll Meshery Docs

This is the keys.csv file that I am using to display on our Jekyll site, Meshery Docs.

Reference - Tabulate CSV Data | Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites

First I started with

  {% for row in site.data.keys %}
    {% if forloop.first %}
      {% for pair in row %}
        <th>{{ pair[0] }}</th>
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% tablerow pair in row %}
      {{ pair[1] }}
    {% endtablerow %}
  {% endfor %}

The problem is that we don’t need the first row
So here is how i exclude it

  {% for row in site.data.keys %}

    {% if forloop.index == 2 %}
        {% for pair in row %}
          <th>{{ pair[1] }}</th>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

      {% for pair in row %}
        <td>{{ pair[1] }}</td>
      {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}

Here is the main problem, even though i skip the first row, the no. of column being displayed are based on the first row
I have been looking for a solution and wasn’t able to find one