Context deadline exceeded

I have been unable to start the mesheryctl .

Previously i was facing issue related to auth.json, for which i have manually added the auth.json file to the required location

System : Windows
Installation in cluster , managed by minikube.

$ mesheryctl system start
Checking for latest version of mesheryctl...

A new release of mesheryctl is available: v0.7.117 → v0.7.119
Check for instructions on how to update mesheryctl

Starting Meshery...
context deadline exceeded

Few Meshery pods have not come up yet.
Please check the status of the pods by executing “mesheryctl system status” and Meshery-UI endpoint with “mesheryctl system dashboard” before using meshery.
$ mesheryctl system dashboard
Opening Meshery (http://localhost:30552) in browser.

Hi @Santosh_Kumar_Doodala, please verify if all the pods have started by running the following command: kubectl get pods -n meshery. Some pods may not have started yet.

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Hi @Yash_Sharma ,

these are the pods running

$ kubectl get pods -n meshery
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
meshery-5d6f857d99-mj9n6            1/1     Running   0          15h
meshery-broker-0                    2/2     Running   0          15h
meshery-meshsync-67d7fd89c9-gjd8f   1/1     Running   0          15h
meshery-operator-76fbf4d574-jdjmv   2/2     Running   0          15h

Even though the operator is active, i am unable to login

$ mesheryctl system login
authentication failed: Unable to reach Meshery server at http://localhost:30378. Verify your environment's readiness for a Meshery deployment by running `mesheryctl system check`.

Context on auth.json

Hi @Yash_Sharma any update?

Can you share kubectl get service -n meshery output

Hi @Matthieu.EVRIN

$  kubectl get service -n meshery output
Error from server (NotFound): services "output" not found