Configuring Meshery Behind istio Ingress gateway

Accessing Workloads behind a ingress-gateway always has been a industry standard practice in Kubernetes setup. It facilitate single entry point for all your services deployed in a production grade Kubernetes. This setup also allows you to leverage the service-mesh functionality of implementing policies and have a better authz and authn to the deployed services. Meshery is no different, you can configure it to be accessed through ingress gateway. Let’s see how can we configure it.

Prerequisite :

  1. Kubernetes is up and running.
  2. Ingress controller is installed and Ingress-gateway is provisioned (we will be taking istio into account in this example and it is installed in istio-system Namespace)
  3. Meshery is installed in your Kubernetes cluster (Preferably in meshery namespace)

See in Action

Step 1: Prerequisite check

Lets see if everything mentioned in prerequisite is fulfilled

$ kubectl get svc -n istio-system                                                           
NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                      AGE
istio-ingressgateway   LoadBalancer    15021:30305/TCP,80:32107/TCP,443:32436/TCP   37d

We have ingress gateway provisioned.

$ kubectl get po -n meshery                                                                 

NAME                                    READY   STATUS           RESTARTS      AGE
meshery-5cc4489f77-7sbc5                1/1     Running             0          33d
meshery-operator-5db8b6c874-5cdvg       1/1     Running             0          33d
meshery-meshsync-8lb8b6y784-6ghnk       1/1     Running             0          33d
meshery-istio-6c56dd44fb-gk6xx          1/1     Running             0          33d

$ kubectl get svc -n meshery                                                                

NAME                   TYPE           CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)          AGE
meshery                LoadBalancer   9081:31037/TCP   33d

Now we see that Meshery’s core components meshery, meshery-operator, meshery-meshsync, meshery-istio (meshery adapter specific to your servicemesh), and meshery LoadBalance service (meshery) are up. The istio ingress gateway istio-ingressgateway is also up.

Note :

  • you can observe that the CLUSTER-IP & EXTERNAL-IP of the Meshery LoadBalancer are private IP (, that means you can not connect it from the browser or outside of the kubernetes cluster.
  • in the other hand if you observe we have got an public ip for the istio-ingressgateway ( which can be accessed from outside of the cluster.
  • Only way to access the Meshery id through our ingress gateway (which is part of ingress controller Istio in this case)

Step 2: Let’s create a istio-Gateway for this meshery, which will facilitate meshey to recive the request from outside of cluster to Meshery.

What is istio-Gateway?
Gateway describes a load balancer operating at the edge of the mesh receiving incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections. The specification describes a set of ports that should be exposed, the type of protocol to use, SNI configuration for the load balancer, etc.
More information : Istio / Gateway

create a file meshery-istio-gw.yaml and copy paste the below content to the file.

kind: Gateway
  name: meshery-gateway
  namespace: meshery
    istio: ingressgateway
  - port:
      number: 80
      name: http
      protocol: HTTP
    - "*"

Now let’s apply this manifest in meshery Namespace.

$ kubectl apply -f meshery-istio-gw.yaml

Istio gateway is namespace scoped.
The gateway listener for meshery listens on port 80

Step 3: Lets create a virtualService for Istio gateway to reach Meshery Loadbalancer in the kubernetes cluster

What is virtual service?
A VirtualService defines a set of traffic routing rules to apply when a host is addressed. Each routing rule defines matching criteria for traffic of a specific protocol. If the traffic is matched, then it is sent to a named destination service (or subset/version of it) defined in the registry. More info: Istio / Virtual Service

create a file meshery-istio-vs.yaml and copy paste the below content to the file.

kind: VirtualService
  name: meshery
  namespace: meshery
  - "*"
  - meshery-gateway
  - match:
    - uri:
        prefix: /
    - destination:
        host: meshery
          number: 9081

Now let’s apply this manifest in meshery Namespace.

$ kubectl apply -f meshery-istio-vs.yaml

Tip: istio virtualService is namespace scoped.

Understanding the meshery-istio-vs.yaml

When the request hits the istio ingress gateway (the gateway listener for meshery listens on port 80) with prefix “/” (root) it will forward it to the kubernetes service meshery which exists in meshery Namespace and listing on 9081 (The default port of Meshery)

Step 4: Accessing Meshery

Now you can access meshhery UI with http://<ingress-gateway-ip>/

in this context

when you hit it will automatically redirect you to and you will she the meshery UI as below:

Extras :
You can use fqdn (let’s say for accessing meshery. In that case you have to replace "*" field under hosts: section in meshery-istio-vs.yaml and meshery-istio-gw.yaml to

Hope this Helps !