Adapter unavailable when open Meshery playground on local host via Mesheryctl


After forking the Meshery/Meshery repo and cloning the repo to my local dir, I tried to run Mesheryctl following the contributor instructions.
i.e., run make in the mesheryctl folder, then run ./mesheryctl system start

The playground opened on localhost shows adapter unavailable, and it looks quite different from that opened directly at the Meshery playground website

The console output are as follows,

A new release of mesheryctl is available:  → v0.7.88
Check for instructions on how to update mesheryctl

Starting Meshery...

Meshery deployed on Kubernetes.
Meshery is starting...

I’m not sure if this is normal or whether I missed something when building and running.

Hello @Kunyue.Xing!
When building and running meshery locally, you need to run the adapters locally too.

This post should help you.
Please let us know if you need further help. :smile:


Hi Rudraksh,

Thanks you for your quick reply. That’s very helpful!