How to run Mesheryctl locally in my system

I have made some code changes in mesheryctl how can I run locally in my system. So that I can able to see my changes

@Axit_Patel go to the mesheryctl directory and you will find a Makefile. This is a file that contains multiple tasks that can be executed using make <command> and make itself since it is a command line utility.

If you check line 7, Shell commands are given. They execute when you run make.

	gofmt -l -s -w .
	go build -ldflags=${LDFLAGS} -o mesheryctl cmd/mesheryctl/main.go

Thus, running make is the equivalent of running the above two commands in the mesheryctl directory.

Running so will create a binary which you can invoke using ./mesheryctl and then test your changes.

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@Axit_Patel please mark @Pankaj.Khushalani’s comment as a solution, if this worked for you.